Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion board - Essay Example Apart from the Smallpox, there were other items involved in the Columbian exchange. The items included livestock and crops. The natives provided potatoes, sweet potatoes and maize. The Europeans brought to America crops such as Oranges, tomatoes and bananas. Horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, mules, dogs, cats, and pigs were brought from Europe to the New World. Other diseases included in the exchange were: measles, yellow fever and Syphilis. The natives gave the settlers syphilis in return. The Columbian Exchange was not a Pandora’s Box. The diseases and other items exchanged were just brought in or taken out by the settlers. The problems were caused by settlers. Even if the settlers had left, the continent was permanently changed by the settlers due to the introduction of the diseases and other exchange materials. In Bacon’s rebellion, Bacon led fight against Native Americans in order to defend the rights of the Englishmen. Bekerly, who was a governor, defended the Indians instead of colonists because the Indians were friendly to them, so they would act as buffers against hostile tribes. Edmund Morgan links the rebellion to American Freedom by using the role of slavery in American history. He argued that growing masses of alien slaves and freedom acted together as a way of bringing white settlers together and reducing racial differences. Indentured servants fitted into this picture by collaborating with freemen and small farmers in the Bacon rebellion to fight for freedom from the settlers. These immigrants served the settlers (planters) but they became freer each year. African Slave Trade became popular in the 17th century in United States. The slaves were taken to sugar colonies in the Caribbean and to Brazil. African slaves were taken to the colonies between 1519 and 1867. The middle passage was a stage in the triangular trade.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Central venous catheter Essay Example for Free

Central venous catheter Essay Healthcare institutes today are facing a major problem with centrally-line- associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). CLABSIs occur commonly and are the most potentially preventable source if morbidity. This research was conducted to see how central line bundles could be use to eliminate CLABSIs. According to the Sutter Roseville medical center (SRMC), they have seven years of zero CLABSIs, by using a broader approach of the central line buddle rather then the conventional buddle required by the CDC (Harnage, 2012). The SRMC’s, central line buddle is ease to use and failure proof as shown in figure 1 of the article (Harnage). This article explained how various component of the central line buddle were modified to achieve zero infection of CLABSIs by the SRMC. The most important point of this approach was elimination of infection through central lines. The success of this approach was base on the protocol implemented on dressing change, catheter flushing and daily checking of all central lines. Dressing changes were done only when the site was messes but with the protocol is done every 7 days and as needed, also the catheter lines were been flushed with normal saline then with heparin using a positive pressure flush, but now flushing is done every 8 hours when not in use or before and after medication administration with 10ml of normal saline using a push and pause technique. Remember these lines can not be use if there is no blood return and the potency checked. For this protocol to be effective, education and training was mandated for the register nurses, that is a one -on -one bedside training. The register nurses are the once using this line on a daily bases so training them on the use of this line were a major past in the infection control process. An aspect in the dressing change kit in was also nurse friendly in that all the supplies needed for the dressing change were place in a single package. By putting everything together it helped the nurse to easily access everything they need, because due to the many tasks the nurse needs to do, they may be tempted to bypass or skip entirely preventive practices that are too time consuming. The nurses also had to document on a daily base on the patient flow sheet how the site and dressing on the line look, thus making the nurses take responsibility and accountabit of the site. The main problem with this approach was that it wasn’t cost effective. But according on research, CLABSIs cost from $21300 and $35000 to treat, thus avoiding infections can save most healthcare institute hundreds of thousands of pounds annually (Harnage). I will like everyone who reads this article to implement it because is a patient first culture approach and we as healthcare provide are there to provide care to patient and do no harm. With that say, my clinical group for NURS 210 at Grace Fairview have since this practice and protocol and have also participated in it implementation. So from experience I will follow the approach and encourage my register nurses colleague to do same because the benefits out weight the disadvantages. REFERENCE . Harnage, S. (2012) Seven years of zero central – line – associate bloodstream infections. British Journal of Nursing, 2012 (IVTHERAPY SUPPLEMENT),Vol 21, No 21

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cybernetics and the Security-State :: Wiener Government Mechanics Papers

Cybernetics and the Security-State The mastery of nature, so the imperialists teach, is the purpose of technology. But who would trust a cane wielder who proclaimed the mastery of children by adults to be the purpose of education? Is not education above all the indispensable ordering of the relationship between generations and therefore mastery, if we are to use this term, of the relationship and not of children? And likewise technology is not the mastery of nature and man. Men as a species completed their development thousands of years ago; but mankind as a species is just beginning his. In technology a physis is being organized through which mankind's contact with the cosmos takes a new and different form from that which it had in nations and families. . . . The paroxysm of genuine cosmic experience is not tied to that tiny fragment of nature that we are accustomed to call 'Nature'. In the nights of annihilation of the last war the frame of mankind was shaken by a feeling that resembled the bliss of the epil eptic. And the revolts that followed it were the first attempt of mankind to bring the new body under its control. -- Walter Benjamin, One Way Street, 1925-26 Garry Kasparov lost to Deep Blue on May 11, 1997. The event itself had almost no affect on the daily life of the general populace in and of itself, and in fact had been considered inevitable for some time. Even so, commentators read awful portent into the fact that the chess grandmaster, dubbed "Humanity's Champ," was beaten by the IBM computer. USA Today was not alone in asking, "Are computers backing humans into a corner?" With rare exception, after the initial hype died down the media reassured us that we were in no immediate danger of computers turning against us and taking over the planet, at least not actively. Chess, we were assured, is susceptible to the type of "simple" brute force calculations a computer can do. Understanding natural language, recognizing speech and handwriting, and analyzing images require work of a different sort, a "common sense" that has so far eluded most artificial intelligence researchers. Unlike human babies (an admittedly loaded example) , computers have trouble interacting with and learning about the "real world" except within strictly defined parameters.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tyco International Case Study Essay -- Corruption, Unethical Practices

Tyco Corporation Introduction During the course of this paper one will see addressed several issues of responsibilities that the Tyco Corporation must deal with. Some of these issues are ones that they have had to deal with quite recently. The responsibilities that one will see discussed are the legal, social and ethical issues that arise in a company that is nationally known. Legal Tyco provides products and services across the world. The company is global and diversified providing a variety of products including electronics, healthcare, fire and security services and engineered products and services. While employing over 250,000 people worldwide they grossed approximately $40 billion in revenue in the year 2005. In 2002 Tyco was involved with the corporate scandal where the management mis-appropriated corporation funds. The previous CEO Dennis Kozlowski was convicted in 2005 on 22 counts of the 23 that he was charged with. This is an example of not only a legal issue of responsibility but also one of an ethical issue that the Tyco Corporation has had to face. In the face of the legal and ethical issues that this mishap had placed the corporation in, Tyco placed Ed Breen in as chairman and CEO. Mr. Breen joined the company in 2002 after the scandal and immediately began the rebuild of the company’s name. With the appointment of Ed Breen and his changing of the company’s ethical standards (to be discussed in the next portion of the paper) he promotes the legal responsibilities of not only the company’s employees but the responsibilities of the suppliers and buyers to report any wrong doing. This reporting also speaks to the ethics of the Tyco corporation employees as well as those of the companies th... or social responsibility that is owed to a community from a corporation. They have fired the CEO that was responsible for the downfall of the corporation, who is now serving a jail term for his wrong doings, and hired Ed Breen who is diligently working on changing the public’s view of the corporation. Mr. Breen understands that corporation’s worldwide need to make a commitment to do right by the community or suffer the consequences of failing the public and possibly losing business for failing them. Under his direction Tyco is continuing to make strides in regaining the publics trust and growing the company into a nationally recognized socially coconscious name. References

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing Diversity Essay

1. Put forward a business case for taking a ‘managing diversity’ approach at Hinchliffe Cards. Britain now has one of the most diverse workforces in the world, consisting of a wide range of religions and ethnic backgrounds. However, diversity is not just acknowledged in terms of religious and ethnic origin. It can refer to political beliefs, age, sexual orientation, nationality, colour, etc. Therefore, it is absolutely paramount that diversity is managed effectively in parallel with Britain’ s rapidly changing social society. The need to manage diversity is even greater after the events of 9/11 as the world’s societies have become more politically charged and involved than ever before. Attached to diversity is the concept of equality from which any contentious questions arise. One such issue is the extent to which UK organisations are fair when it comes to offering equality of opportunity to minority groups in employment. There is a wide range of elements involved in managing diversity including legislative considerations, the handling of equal opportunity issues, as well as the aims of making ‘managing diversity’ work for organisations. The traditional approach has focused on using the legislation driven equal opportunities route in tacking issues of diversity, and the broad aims of managing diversity are similar to that of equal opportunities, but managing diversity has a more internal focus. Many of these aims are bound up with the various legislation that outlaws discrimination on the grounds of sex, pay, race, disability and criminal record: * Sex Discrmination Act 1975 and 1976. * Equal Pay Act (Amended) 1983. * Race Relations Act 1976 (Amended 2000). * Disability Discrimination Act 1995. * Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. So why should organisations make the most employee diversity? Well, as mentioned previously, the make-up of our society is changing, and businesses must reflect this change. Wheatley, (p, 30, 2000) highlights three important trends that exist and are continuing to develop further. Firstly, the UK population is ageing fast. In 2000, there were 1.5M fewer 16-25 year olds entering employment than in 1987. Secondly, ethnic minority groups made up 5.5% of the total UK population at the time of the 1991 census. Thirdly, women now are a large and significant proportion of the UK workforce. Generally, the management of equal opportunity issues involves a social responsibility on the part of the individual organisation, objective consideration when taking selection decisions, develop a reputation for managing diversity, creating a more healthy business environment including high staff morale. Managing diversity also holds huge significance for business growth. Managing diversity also entails issues of organisational culture that refer to an organisation’s norms, values and beliefs. A diverse organisation in which there is a broad mix of people will add to the social dimension of the organisation and help to reduce the under-representation experienced by minority groups. Managing diversity is an internally driven proactive mechanism that acknowledges the interests of these groups. Moreover, at a strategic level, managing diversity involves: * Board level participation, responsibility and accountability on diversity issues; * Links to all business plans and benefits at all levels; * Employee ownership of diversity objectives; * Commitment of resources for training and research; * A proactive diversity approach to recruitment, marketing and supplier selection; * The building of diversity issues into recruitment, performance and reward systems. Source: Wheatley, (p. 32, 2000) Managing diversity focuses on the individual as opposed to Equal Opportunity (EO) that focuses on treating individuals as groups. Managing diversity (MD) goes beyond the EO perspective. It acknowledges differences in a more positive light. It does this by intending to proliferate staff performance, generating greater flexibility in the workforce and working practices as well as making organisations more equitable. It endeavours to use the differences to the benefit of the organisation. As stated by kandolla and Fullerton, the concept of managing diversity ‘is founded on the premise that harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everyone will feel valued, where there talents are fully valued, where there talents are fully utilised, and in which organisational goals are met’1. Whilst EO is legally driven, and subject to the achievement of the performance target, MD seeks to accommodate diverse interests. MD will also enable organisations to become a good corporate citizen, by ensuring that the workforce reflects the (local) population. Moreover, having a diverse workforce will help organisations explore new markets or client groups as MD adds to the social dimension of the organisation. This is particularly relevant after the events of 9/11, which require good understanding of race and cultural issues. In a business sense, it is important to have a workforce that understands diverse cultural backgrounds, especially as businesses become more internationalised. As stated above, MD uses individual differences and recognises them as strengths and talents, which help to dismantle barriers which otherwise prevent them from doing so. MD also brings with it in-built proactive measures such as maternity leave, flexible working patterns etc By doing so, organisations can improve their efforts in meeting their customer’s needs and increase their organisation’s profile. Under MD, people are acknowledged as the nucleus the organisation, and organisations can benefit from the following: * MD recognises that female managers have distinct managerial styles and abilities; * Mature workers can offer organisations increased reliability, stability, quality, experience and overall efficiency; * Members of ethnic groups can provide a rich and cultural experience at work; * Disabled people can offer highly developed problem solving and analytical skills because they operate in an inaccessible environment; * Individuals can feel confident in their abilities and their contribution to the organisation; * MD will add to the creative side of the organisation; * MD views employees as an invaluable asset; * MD recognises the need for n-going training; * Increased emphasis and responsibility to diversity issues; * Better recruitment, retention and performance systems. MD provides a more transparent and proactive method of dealing with employee diversity. This involves a fundamental transformation of the organisation’s working practices, making it more staff-friendly, re-consider the management structure and introduce more fairer recruitment and retention procedures. MD eliminates barriers to opportunity by recognising differences of individuals as positive strengths that can be used to develop a culture of diversity. Successful companies are those that are able to monitor and meet shifts in social expectations, to control risks and to anticipate market opportunities. Businesses that have the vision and the will to create an enabling environment for diverse parts of the community will prosper. 2. Analyse how the human resources activities might have to be changed at Hinchliffe Cards and make recommendations based on your analysis. The main problem the company is having is managing diversity while the organisation is evolving. The case study highlights many issues, which are fundamentally flawed in creating a more diverse productive organisation. At present 70 % of Hinchliffe Cards workforce is made up of women. There is only one woman manager within the organisation dealing with HRM, which is not a primarily authorative role. These statistics are very worrying when you consider that projections show that ‘in less than ten years time there will be two million more jobs within the economy – 80% of which will be filled by women’2. In order to meet with theses changes Hinchliffe Cards would have to consider having more women in leadership and decision making positions. Many factors may have led to this lack of women in senior positions, like discrimination due to family commitments, womens lack of confidence, the attitudes of senior executives or even men seeing women as a threat. Nevertheless organisations which fail to utilise the potential of women managers will be commiting ‘economic suicicde'(Davidson, 1991). As women managers come with many potential benefits i.e, participative and caring management styles . Hinchliffe Cards have also started to use casual labour during the spring months to deal with the Christmas demand. Over this period they use 20 casual workers to help operate some of the more sophisticated machines during this period. This is due to the current shortage of skill within the industry. This has been met by much discontent from the full time worker who doesn’t believe they have the same pride in their work, which affects its quality and ultimately the workforces bonuses. Hinchliffe cards should really be working trying providing a positive learning environment for all staff. A positive learning environment is one in which the values of the organisation include the expressed and acted on belief that the development of its human capital through effective learning is necessary or achieving a competitive environment. The existence of such a environment depends on the active encouragement and support of top management, the belief by lie managers that learning and deve lopment activities pay off, and the extent to which the workforce are motivated to learn The female workers are also complaining about the opportunities open to them within the company, as they have not been trained on the complex machines. They feel left out as these machines offer the highest rewards in terms of bonus. In addition to this they are also concerned about the long hours they are made to work during peak periods, which is seen to interfere with their family life. This shows discrimination towards the female staff in using more complex machinery. This is bad for Hinchliffe cards because taking action on diversity and equality has many benefits for the organisation. According to government research it can lead to better recruitment and retention- followed with better morale and performance. If this discrimination and unfair treatment can be reduced, it can have a knock on effect on grievances and relations in the organisation. This can reduce absenteeism and labour turnover by enhancing employee’s attachment to the organisation and have a positive effect on labour productivity. Concerns about being able to balance family life with work is also a major problem. The costs for businesses who don’t meet these needs can be striking. According to british industry, ‘sickness and absence costs cost employers around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½10 billion a year and 30% of this may be related to stress’. In a recent survey, over a fith of women said they would change they’re jobs for more flexible arrangements. Employers may incur additional costs in adopting policies to support work-life balance, including increased managerial worloads. Such costs are however generally outweighed by the gains in achieveing strategic objectives. Hinchliffe have also recently outsourced their work to in home workers to cope with recent demand for handmade products. These workers are mainly women from ethnic groups and the company is experiencing a high rate of labour turnover. Due to this the company is thinking of investing in a team of in house designers employed officially by the firm who can be based in the firms headquarters. However the majority of the women aren’t interested in this option as they fit they’re work around looking after small children. They believe they’re getting a rough deal from the company as materials are often not delivered on time and they’re has been some talk of covert racism form the company. Senior managers also believe there is position for the company to expand into the EU. The company however would have to be equipped with a workforce with a more diverse range of skills from sales and marketing staff. This would mean being able to speak a different European language and be comfortable dealing with managers from different cultures. The current sales and marketing staff however lack these skills. References 1. Bunderson J S and Sutcliffe K M (2002) â€Å"Comparing alternative conceptualizations of functional diversity in management teams: process and performance effects†, Academy of Management Journal, Oct 1, 2002 v45 i4 p875(19) 2. Caudron, S., (1990) â€Å"Monsanto responds to diversity†, Personnel Journal, 41, 72-80. 3. D’Netto B and Sohal A S (1999) â€Å"Human resource practices and workforce diversity: an empirical assessment†, International Journal of Manpower, Volume 20 Number 8 1999 pp. 530-547 4. Jackson, S.E., May, K.E., Whitney, K., 1995, â€Å"Understanding the dynamics of diversity in decision-making teams†, Guzzo, R., Salas, E. and Associates, Team Effectiveness in Decision Making in Organizations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 204-61. 5. Jenner L (1994) â€Å"Diversity management: what does it mean†, HR Focus, Jan 1994 v71 n1 p11(1) 6. Kandola R and Fullerton J (1994) Managing the mosaic diversity in action, IPD (1994), p19 7. Morrison, A.M. (1992) The New Leaders: Guidelines on Leadership Diversity in America, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA. 8. Mullins L J (2002) Management and organisational behaviour†, 6th edition, Prentice Hall, Essex 9. Personnel Journal (1994) â€Å"Diverse networking prompts change†, Personnel Journal, August 1994 v73 n8 pS20(2) 10. Personnel Journal (1995) â€Å"Open the corporate closet to sexual orientation issues†, Personnel Journal, August 1995 v74 n8 p42(7) 11. Peters T (1993) Video â€Å"Management revolution and corporate reinvention†, BBC for Business. Cited in Mullins (2002). 12. Schreiber, C.T., Price, K.F., Morrison, A., (1993) â€Å"Workplace diversity and the glass ceiling: practices, barriers, possibilities†, Human Resource Planning, 16, 2, 51-69. 13. Soni V (2000) â€Å"A Twenty-First-Century Reception for Diversity in the Public Sector: A Case Study†, Public Administration Review, Sept 2000 v60 i5 p395 14. Zeffane R M and Mayo G (1994) â€Å"Career Trends and Staffing Strategies in the 1990s†, International Journal of Career Management, Volume 06 Number 5 1994 pp. 30-35 1 Armstrong, M. (2003)A handbook of Human Resource Management practice (9th edition). P133 2

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


TRAIT IMPULSIVITY IMPULSE BUYING LAB Essay TRAIT IMPULSIVITY IMPULSE BUYING LAB Essay What is the extent to which an individual’s trait impulsivity is associated with their tendency to engage in impulse buying? HPS 307 Personality Deakin University Word Count: 2051 Abstract The purpose of this research is to build upon the fundamental understanding of impulsivity and impulse buying. Specifically, the association between the four facets of impulsivity and cognitive and affective buying tendencies were examined. It was expected that the four facets of impulsivity would share associations to both cognitive and affective impulse buying tendencies. One hundred and seventy four Deakin undergraduate university students (44 male, 130 female) aged between 18-63 years (M = 27.4, SD = 9.31) completed an online questionnaire administered by the teaching staff. The Impulse Buying Tendency Scale (Verplanken & Herabadi, 2001) was used to measure cognitive and affective impulse buying using a 5 point Likert scale ( 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). The UUPS Impulse Behaviour Scale (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001) was used to measure trait impulsivity for premeditation, urgency, sensation seeking and perseverance using a 6 point Likert scale ( 1 = strongly disagre e, 6 = strongly agree). Results indicated impulse buying (cognitive) shared a negative association to premeditation, perseverance and a positive association to urgency. Impulse buying (affective) reported a positive association to urgency. The results provide evidence to support the association between some facets of trait impulsivity and impulse buying. However, Implications discussed indicate the need for future research to continue to develop the understanding into the complexity of personality, trait variables and possible individual differences in more detail. Impulse buying is an unplanned decision to buy a product or service, made just prior to a purchase. An individual who frequently purchases is referred to as an impulse buyer. Whilst in some instances low levels of impulse buying might provide enjoyment, it may develop into to a more frequent and chronic paradigm of impulse buying. It is important to understand that the repercussions of chronic impulse buying identify a range of negative impacts upon the individual. In acknowledgement of this, there is developing literature endeavouring to understand the determinants underlying the nature of this behaviour. Research by has confirmed that impulse buying is somewhat personality constructed. Silvera, Lavack and Kropp (2008) examined the associations between chronic impulse buying tendencies and psychological constructs, including, subjective well-being, positive and negative affect (emotional states), vulnerability to social influence and self-esteem. Impulse buying tendencies were mea sured using a cognitive facet, associated to a lack of planning to purchase, and an effective facet, associated to feelings of excitement and overpowering urges to buy. Their results illustrated the cognitive facet of impulse buying (lack of planning to purchase) shared a negatively linked association with subjective wellbeing. Suggesting that when an individual does not spend sufficient time planning to purchase a personal feeling of health and happiness is reduced. The affective facet impulse buying (feelings of excitement and an urge to buy), was found to be associated to negative affect and social influence. Moreover, Verplanken and Herabaldi (2001) also suggest that impulse buying is associated with differences in individual personality constructs measures, including the Big Five (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism). More specifically cognitive and affective facets of impulse buying tendency were each found to be associated to extravers ion. The cognitive facet was inversely related to facets such as conscientiousness, while the affective facet was related to facets such as lack autonomy, confirming the predicted association between trait impulsivity and

Monday, October 21, 2019

NBC 4 has a lot of different departments where cer Essays

NBC 4 has a lot of different departments where cer Essays NBC 4 has a lot of different departments where certain people share different interest in. We have had multiple speakers come and discuss what they do at NBC 4 and what you may have to accomplish to get there. There was one speaker in particular whom I want to discuss because she talked about multiple topics. Our speaker was the President and General Manger Jackie Bradford who spoke about numerous topics about the news industry. Whenever someone is working in the field they learn lessons along the way and everything counts. There are 4 most important weeks during the learning process and that is the first 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks. Whenever you want to stand out more then others take more risk doing something out your comfort zone. When you learn lessons along the way, people also learn to own up to whatever you do and take responsibility. Working in the industry make sure you answer questions before they're asked, as far as doing more research doing. As far as questions, you want to ask questions that are not to distinct. First impressions are always good that include dressing professionally. NBC also is looking for people who has explanations of their background, knows their goals, and has a short, and long term plan. Must be genuine and ready for questions, and to be confident about your responses. Our speaker also spoke about digital media and how you can take advantage of it and even though it isn't your major. As long as you can do the work you are okay with doing digital media. In digital media you can have flexibility and have more input and get feedback on your stories. When you work in Digital Media being a great writer is very beneficial to you because you will have lighter years ahead of you. The best way to be a writer is just thinking of writing as a craft. Big media organizations are still arrogant about the future. Media companies will change a lot, but the smarter ones will change the way that gets them a position by cutting enough jobs to sustain themselves on a business level. Also working with Digital Media its good to have some type of investigation of information and work with database. When it comes to Sports Entertainment reporting you should know the business such as contracts and the salary. You should always be careful for working for free because the company can be u using and it won't be beneficial. Whenever somebody works in this field and others make sure that you show that you can learn throughout your career, and invest in yourself. Applying to a job in this field make sure that your looking for companies that who are looking for people who are different because you want to stand out more. We also had a speaker talk about speech communication majors and what it consists of. Speech communication money comes 95% from advertisement and little money comes from sub fees. Doing their ads, most if them come from other countries, while little that's left to come from the United States. They also talk about how the automotive commercials have the most revenue on TV. The speaker that we had gave us a lot of information about different jobs in the news industry, that didn't just have to do with NBC, but other companies as well. They told us what to do to make you a better person in the industry and what to look out for in the industry. I learned that NBC-4 had eight million viewers and I didn't know that it's Washington's television leader in the metropolitan region. In order to be in this industry you have to be aggressive and to never say no. There is nothing much better then to have good personality in this industry, and from you having a good personality then there is positive energy. If you don't understand something you should never be afraid to ask questions, because the more you know the more insight you have on the topic. I learned in this industry diversity is important because you want to be heard by every race. If you want to

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Fredericton, the Capital of New Brunswick, Canada

Fredericton, the Capital of New Brunswick, Canada Fredericton is the capital city of the province of New Brunswick, Canada. With a downtown of only 16 blocks, this picturesque capital city provides the benefits of a larger city while still being affordable. Fredericton is strategically located on the Saint John River and is within a days drive of Halifax, Toronto, and New York City. Fredericton is a center for information technology, engineering, and environment industries, and is home to two universities and a variety of training colleges and institutes. Location of Fredericton, New Brunswick Fredericton is located on the banks of the Saint John River in central New Brunswick. See Fredericton Map Area of City of Fredericton 131.67 sq. km (50.84 sq. miles) (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Population of City of Fredericton 56,224 (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Date Fredericton Incorporated as a City 1848 Date Fredericton Became the Capital City of New Brunswick 1785 Government of City of Fredericton, New Brunswick Fredericton municipal elections are held every four years on the second Monday in May. Date of the last Fredericton municipal election: Monday, May 14, 2012 Date of the next Fredericton municipal election: Monday, May 9, 2016 Frederictons city council is made up of 13 elected representatives: one mayor and 12 city councilors. Fredericton Mayor Brad WoodsideFredericton City Council Fredericton Attractions New Brunswick Legislative AssemblyChrist Church CathedralHistoric Garrison DistrictKings Landing Historical SettlementScience EastBeaverbrook Art GalleryTrans Canada Trail Weather in Fredericton Fredericton has a moderate climate with warm, sunny summers and cold, snowy winters. Summer temperatures in Fredericton range from 20Â °C (68Â °F) to 30 Â °C (86Â °F). January is the coldest month in Fredericton with an average temperature of -15Â °C (5Â °F), although the temperature can dip to -20Â °C (-4Â °F). Winter storms often deliver 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) of snow. Fredericton Weather Forecast City of Fredericton Official Site City of Fredericton Capital Cities of Canada For information on the other capital cities in Canada, see Capital Cities of Canada.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Access X-Stream from Home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Access X-Stream from Home - Essay Example The visual technology with rich animated graphics helps the learners to understand better. Teachers and students can discuss the lectures and suggestions on forums making a virtual learning environment. Students can participate online by uploading their suggestions on a particular topic and at the same time sharing the videos and suggestions with the peers. Evaluation of the students is also conducted by E learning, which is an added feature which is beneficial for the instructors. ‘Distance learning’ is the process to commence learning from a computing interface rather than face-to-face. The reason is the distance between the learner and the educator. It is the only possible way the learner has access to education. This approach existed long before the Internet in the form of correspondence courses indoor via television. The current technology has expanded its horizons, increased speed and efficiency. It also enabled many potential learners to access the distance educat ion programs. Furthermore, ‘Flexible learning’ is the learner’s preference of learning either in a traditional face-to-face approach or via another medium, TV, CD-ROM or distance learning all with equal standing in terms of course conclusion and gratitude. Before the advent of the web, this approach was available but technology has made it possible to manage and deliver these choices more efficiently to provide a broad range of learners. This technology also facilitates to learners who do not have access to the campuses and cannot attend classes. ‘Blended learning’ is the process of learning by compound and mandated modes of deliverance. Mandated is the key element and is not optional. This means that a component of a learning application need to be commence in digital forms other than face-to-face, i.e., World Wide Web, Compact Disc , remoteness, etc. Blended learning is often related to flexible deliverance of the presentation. Moreover, ‘Onl ine learning’ is almost certainly the most often used phrase when explaining ‘Online learning’. The core concept is the learning via World Wide Web. Online learning does not have a general definition other than access to learning via the Internet. X-Stream System X stream is a virtual learning environment with a sole purpose of enhancing learning techniques. It is a virtual learning environment that can be accessed via Internet. Every user is provided with credentials to ‘login’ to the virtual learning system. In fact, there are different protocols associated to accomplish a remote session. For instance, a user wants to connect X-stream from home, various computational processes are conducted in order to establish a remote session. Moreover, Internet connectivity is the prime requirement for establishing a session. Creating a Session When a user wants to connect to X-stream virtual learning environment, user open the web browser and enters ‘www’, in order to access the website. The host accepts the request that is forwarded by hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP). However, due to strict security issues, HTTPS is deployed, abbreviated as ‘Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure’. Furthermore, after the arrival of the request, website is presented for the user’s web browser. Authorization and Authentication is required for getting access to the system. This procedure normally involves credentials including ‘User ID’ and ‘Password’. When the user authenticates him or her, permission is granted to access all the resources of the virtual learning web based system. However, the authentication server matches the

Friday, October 18, 2019

This is a discussion Question Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

This is a discussion Question - Research Paper Example First and foremost, examine the strengths and weaknesses of Evidence Based care Practices. The use of self-assessment such as that experimented by Gale (2009), can assist to identify business strengths and barriers in developing Evidence Based Practice efforts. Additionally, educating and training should be enacted since the two ways can add knowledge and reinforce practitioners’ viewpoint about the advantages of Evidence Based Practice as explained by Varnell, 2008. Clinicians may panic that they will seem to be deficient of proficiency, and familiarity will provide them self-assurance in shaping an evidence foundation for their practice. Furthermore, fashioning an atmosphere that encourages curious approach about medical care serves as a good strategy. The strategy can be attained through finding opportunities for finest practices and questioning existing practice. Moreover, it can be fulfilled by building a custom in which Evidence Based Practice is esteemed, assisted and anticipated. Regardless of the hindrances encountered in executing evidence-based practice in scientific practice, it is essential to form systems and procedures that decrease these limitations. In spite of the structures within which the clinician practices, there is a logical move toward discovering and documenting the preeminent potential evidence for practice. The procedure involves defining a problem, for example, a clinical problem. Followed by identification and appraisal of the significant probable evidence, and sketching conclusions regarding best

Pyschology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pyschology - Essay Example It emphasises on the importance of evolutionary origins as reasons for our behavioural and anthropological responses. There might not even be a difference between reason and instinct as early philosophers like Aquinas and Hume set out to prove. May be just maybe the terms are interchangeable. He goes on to explain how the phenomena of linking biology with psychology revists the five basic principles of psychology. 3. " your conscious experience can mislead you into thinking that our circuitry is simpler that it really is. Most problems that you experience as easy to solve are very difficult to solve -- they require very complicated neural circuitry" The author believes that these five principles are the " tools for thinking about psychology, which can be applied to any topic: sex and sexuality, how and why people cooperate, whether people are rational, how babies see the world, conformity, aggression, hearing, vision, sleeping, eating, hypnosis, schizophrenia and on and on." This for him this links many areas of study into one ,i.e. the study of evolutionary psychology. The author tries to bring in the views of Darwin who believed a lot in the evolutional psychology of mankind. He agrees with Darwin's views on "adaptation driven by natural selection" and "common descent". He also cites Dawkins and Williams in their support for the idea that "natural selection is the only component of the evolutionary process that can introduce complex functional organization in to a species' phenotype". He goes on to say that our "selections" for reproduction are natural and we are programmed to choose the best looking mate out there for procre ation. 4. Did the author address any contrary evidence or the opinions/work of others that run counter the author(s) claims He refers to the works of Aquinas and Hume saying that the position before the theory of Darwin came out was that there was a " a common view among philosophers and scientists that the human mind resembles a blank slate, virtually free of content until written on by the hand of experience." He quotes Aquinas as saying "there is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Starbucks Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Starbucks Company - Research Paper Example The Company’s mission is to â€Å"inspire and nature the human spirit-one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.† The company has dedicated itself to serving people with the best coffee that the prevailing market can possibly offer. Starbucks’ main goal is to ensure that all their coffee is grown and natured under high quality standards, which they realize through the use of ethical sourcing practices. The intended suppliers of the company’s coffee personally tour its coffee firms in Africa, Asia and Latin America in order to select arabica beans of highest quality. Once the buyers have selected the beans, they are brought to the company’s roasting plants where experts bring out the rich flavor and balance of the beans via Starbucks Roast TM signature. Starbucks is committed to conducting its business responsibly and conducting themselves in ways that earn their partners, customers and neighbors respect and trust (â€Å"Starbucks Company P rofile†). The purpose of this paper is to describe how Starbucks Company uses the four management functions: Planning, organizing, influencing and controlling to achieve its goals. Starbucks Planning function Effective planning helps an organization in achieving its goals and objectives. The process often commences with the reviewing of the organization’s current operations and identifying the loopholes that need to be operationally improved. As such, planning encompasses the envisioning of the outcomes to be achieved by the organization and the necessary steps for achieving desired success. Success is often measured in terms of goals or financial terms including high rating of the organization based on the satisfaction of their customers. All businesses including Starbucks require a plan in order to grow and survive in their respective industries. Plans are significant in guiding Starbucks to accomplish its desired goals and objectives. The planning process is an essen tial element of an organization’s performance as it helps a business and its managers in determining processes needed to achieve the goals of the company. In any competitive industry, it is difficult to encounter businesses as frequently as is the case with Starbucks. The Starbucks Company has retails located in each and every street corner, a factor that places its retail shops right at the doorsteps of its customers. This makes it extremely convenient for consumers to buy a cup of coffee at a premium price while home, at the office or out for a fun day. The company’s functional plan organized along with its business plan has helped it to achieve a near monopoly in the coffee industry. Executive managers and company employees work hand in hand to ensure their customers are satisfied. Starbucks does not only train its employees on the hard production skills, but also on the soft skills on how best to interact with the customers and other stakeholders. Soft skills are s uch as donning an inviting smile or creating a friendly eye contact with the potential customers. In terms of legendary service, the Company remembers its regular customers and their preferred drinks. Starbucks is a service oriented companies that ensures a high degree of customer contact and visibility. It is of great significance for the company to continue training their employees with the sole aim of perfecting their service to both casual and regular customers since it is

Impact of sexual abuse on children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Impact of sexual abuse on children - Essay Example It also establishes the effect of gender of the abused on the perpetration of sexual abuse (151). This study is important in psychology because it contributed to the expansion of the knowledge in the field and strengthened the theories on previous researches on the psychological effects sexual abuse has upon children and adolescents. The children have low regard on themselves or hostile and aggressive. Their behaviors manifest on both extremes. They are also afflicted with â€Å"negative developmental outcomes† such as depression, low self-esteem, anger, promiscuity, etc. (152). Sexual abuse affects the mental outlook of the abused towards themselves, other people, the institutions and society in general, especially for those who experienced it regularly or for a longer duration (152-153). Interview is a qualitative approach used in social sciences, but it is the primary research method utilized in gathering data for this study. However, the data gathered from the subjects wer e analyzed using quantitative parameters. Thus, it can be said that the research design used both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The quantitative approach is used to quantify the information gathered from the subjects (e.g. frequency of commission). Through interview, the trained interviewers asked the subjects the frequency of experiencing certain acts such as the number of times an adult has touched or kissed him or her sexually (162).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Starbucks Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Starbucks Company - Research Paper Example The Company’s mission is to â€Å"inspire and nature the human spirit-one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.† The company has dedicated itself to serving people with the best coffee that the prevailing market can possibly offer. Starbucks’ main goal is to ensure that all their coffee is grown and natured under high quality standards, which they realize through the use of ethical sourcing practices. The intended suppliers of the company’s coffee personally tour its coffee firms in Africa, Asia and Latin America in order to select arabica beans of highest quality. Once the buyers have selected the beans, they are brought to the company’s roasting plants where experts bring out the rich flavor and balance of the beans via Starbucks Roast TM signature. Starbucks is committed to conducting its business responsibly and conducting themselves in ways that earn their partners, customers and neighbors respect and trust (â€Å"Starbucks Company P rofile†). The purpose of this paper is to describe how Starbucks Company uses the four management functions: Planning, organizing, influencing and controlling to achieve its goals. Starbucks Planning function Effective planning helps an organization in achieving its goals and objectives. The process often commences with the reviewing of the organization’s current operations and identifying the loopholes that need to be operationally improved. As such, planning encompasses the envisioning of the outcomes to be achieved by the organization and the necessary steps for achieving desired success. Success is often measured in terms of goals or financial terms including high rating of the organization based on the satisfaction of their customers. All businesses including Starbucks require a plan in order to grow and survive in their respective industries. Plans are significant in guiding Starbucks to accomplish its desired goals and objectives. The planning process is an essen tial element of an organization’s performance as it helps a business and its managers in determining processes needed to achieve the goals of the company. In any competitive industry, it is difficult to encounter businesses as frequently as is the case with Starbucks. The Starbucks Company has retails located in each and every street corner, a factor that places its retail shops right at the doorsteps of its customers. This makes it extremely convenient for consumers to buy a cup of coffee at a premium price while home, at the office or out for a fun day. The company’s functional plan organized along with its business plan has helped it to achieve a near monopoly in the coffee industry. Executive managers and company employees work hand in hand to ensure their customers are satisfied. Starbucks does not only train its employees on the hard production skills, but also on the soft skills on how best to interact with the customers and other stakeholders. Soft skills are s uch as donning an inviting smile or creating a friendly eye contact with the potential customers. In terms of legendary service, the Company remembers its regular customers and their preferred drinks. Starbucks is a service oriented companies that ensures a high degree of customer contact and visibility. It is of great significance for the company to continue training their employees with the sole aim of perfecting their service to both casual and regular customers since it is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inventory System Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Inventory System Summary - Essay Example This paper aims to discuss periodic inventory systems and its advantages and disadvantages. A periodic inventory system is a system where data is entered after a specific duration of time (Wensing, 2011). It is here where the term periodic is derived. Data is updated after a specific period, in the inventory systems, unlike in perpetual inventory systems where data is entered as sales are made. Information for this system is not kept up to date. While information for the inventory is noted, total and permanent storage of this data is only entered once a year. Under this inventory system, the amount recorded, in the account for inventory, is not updated after sales of goods or services are made (Wensing, 2011). The inventory account is updated once or adjusted one time usually per annum. During the current year, the inventory will only show the previous year’s end cost of inventory. Under this system, service and merchandise purchase is made, in either one or more than one purchase accounts. There is closure of purchase accounts and adjustment of the inventory account to equal the services and merchandise that is, in hand at that time, at the end of the year. This system has no cost of goods or services sold account for updating after a sale (Wensing, 2011). Periodic inventories utilize simple modes of calculation, in order to maintain an account for inventory, in the general ledger (Wensing, 2011). Materials and services purchased are entered, in a purchase account. A single entry is made moving to COGS sold material, at the end of a period of accounting. A periodic inventory only requires the total purchases and total sales entered on a monthly basis. There is no need for inventory count accounting records since the maintenance of the inventory is done through the entry of journals, in the general ledger (Wensing, 2011). The only records that are kept physically are derived from the

Virgils like a Roman leader. Aeneid Essay Example for Free

Virgils like a Roman leader. Aeneid Essay Virgils Aeneid Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Virgil’s was the son of Publius Vergilius Maro and Magia Polla. Virgil’s father was a miniature freeholder in Andes. Virgil’s father was a farmer who practised bee-keeping and forestry, and he progressively accrued enough competence to enable him give superior education to their only son, Virgil’s. Virgils went to school at Cremona which was neighboring town and later he went to Milan which was the capital city of the province. At the age of 17 years Virgil’s went to Rome where he studied philosophy and oratory under the preeminent masters of the era. This paper seeks to explain the occurrences that took place during Augustan age. Augustan age had a remarkable impact to the Aeneid because Aeneid is a clear-cut approval of Augustus’ personal consolidation of authority after countless years of atrocious civil war. The foremost part of his approach was the use of auctoritas and exploitation of pietas, two ideals were well-regarded in Roman society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a heated debate concerning the stance of Virgil’s in the Augustan era. Some people propose that the Virgil’s epic about Augustus’ ancestors as misinformation directed by Augustus’ political device. Other people identify creepy influence in Virgil’s artistic work where they argue that Virgil’s had an intention of undermining the new political order. The Aeneid is a public epic, adoration and veneration of Rome and its citizens. Virgil had an optimistic and spiritualized and inspiring notion of Rome, which he saw as sacred and majestic, predestined by providence to rule the humanity. Virgil’s saw a golden era of humanity rising during Augustus’s reign, the golden era was brought by the gods. The Aeneid was ordained to exalt this new-fangled, structured society and to elevate its merits and superior distinctiveness by their representation in Aeneas. Aeneas was an epic champion w ho would represent the classic Roman. Aeneas had the most reputable characteristics of an ideal Roman leader, which included Roman sense of responsibility and duty. He also had excellent personal attributes and qualities. According to Virgil’s these features would enable Aeneas to build adorable Rome (McCrorie, 356).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There were a series of civil wars before Augustan reign which led to large financial and human losses. The state became unified under Augustan reign. Peace and order was restored, and the government took active interest in various diverse schemes of social and economic life thus Rome regained its happiness and prosperity. The Augustan reign brought peace and order through development of imperial government. Unfortunately, the Romans abandoned most liberty that they had accustomed in earlier periods. This had a serious impact in the minds of many citizens including Virgil’s. In the Aeneid, Virgil describes the new-fangled approach under which Romans lived. In his epic Aeneid, Virgil treats the most significant features of imperial and republican Rome as distinct, entangled whole. This notion was interpreted that the splendor of one government resembled the brilliance of the other government. This argument weakened the conviction that Augustus’s empire was a new and unfamiliar political unit. In addition, Virgil revealed in many aspects that the imperial period was intended to be a fresh golden period for Rome. It was only the Augustan age that all Roman citizen’s noblest ambitions and wishes could be accomplished (Bloom, 284).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aeneas the hero of Aeneid had the most adorable features of a Roman leader. Augustus was a descendant of Aeneas. In Aeneid the implication of the association between Augustus and Aeneas was very clear. It can be noed that Augustus shares a lot of his ancestor Aeneas superior qualities. People gained a lot of confidence with Augustan reign and could never think of condemning Augustus’s new government. Aeneas underwent various hardship incidents during his ruling period. However, Aeneas consoled himself by keeping in mind the predestined future of the empire. The notion of the predestined future of the empire strengthened him to dedicate his ambitions of establishing new Rome. This approach set an example to the Roman people. The personal sacrifices that Aeneas made taught people that their personal and complaints and doubts about imperial government were of less significant as compared to the needs of the society. People submerged th eir personal grievances for the welfare of all individuals. In Aeneid, Romans came to learn that it was only through a solid and centralized government t that they would be able to be peaceful and united (Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Romans would also be encouraged if they came to learn that Aeneid gods and goddesses were deeply concerned with the Rome’s future. People became convinced by the Virgil’s argument in Aeneid epic since various parts were all about unending series of successes. These epics aimed at demonstrated the success path to convince the public that Rome and its domain had enduringly won celestial favor. The epics convinced many educated class people in Rome such that they abandoned their opposition to Augustus’s new government and became used to their emperor’s regime. The Aeneid became a customary school text. Every generation in Rome passed through Virgil’s epic poem whereby they developed a selfless allegiance to the Roman imperial government. Aeneid became a literary masterpiece as well as the strongest intellectual barricade in the Roman kingdom. Augustan age was very significant to the Aeneid since it set up a solid foundation that enabled the empire to be organized (Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maecenas, Augustus’ chief consultant secured several potential poets in his era. Augustus had acknowledged a powerful machine for his propaganda in these young poets. These writers had a distinct and powerful influence through their writing through the attitude of the public. During the writing of the Aeneid, Vigil had to consider the desires of his patrons. It reveals the momentous effect that Augustan auctoritas in the Virgil’s occupation, as the poet makes an unswerving suggestion to the ultimate accomplishment of his patron. Virgil used to judge against the performance of the celebrated hero to those of Augustus. Virgil’s Aeneid clearly reveal the auctoritas as he narrates the glorious history of Rome under Augustan regime. â€Å"Look there, focus your eyes now on our people, your own Romans: Caesar and all of Iulus’ lineage under the great tree of the heavens. And this man, a man you’ve heard promised so often, Caesar Augustus: a God’s own son who will settle a Golden Age once more on Latium’s meadows, ruled by Saturn before. He’ll open the empire to India, Africa, lands lying beyond the ecliptic, beyond the sun’s annual journey†¦ (Virgil, 1995, Bk. VI- ll. 788-796)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This consequence of Augustan auctoritas on Virgil’s Aeneid delegates the inclination in the Augustan period of literacy in favor of Augustan regime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, it is clear that the Roman leaders used to glorify themselves and create superior history and reinforced these principles to the legends of their forefathers. Thorough scrutiny of Golden age works such as Aeneid reveals the outcome of Augustan auctoritas. Augustus made a purposeful and flourishing attempt to swing the focus of Roman writing to the indefatigable support of his imperial misinformation. This substantiation highlights the cognizant, persistent pressure Augustus asserted, using his supremacy to control the Romans and to generate an age of writing in his own representation. References Bloom, Harold. Virgils Aeneid. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. Print. McCrorie, Edward. The Aeneid. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. Print. Patron Augustus—Client Rome. Patron Augustus—Client Rome. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 June 2014. Source document

Monday, October 14, 2019

Low-Power Folded Tree Architecture for DSP Applications

Low-Power Folded Tree Architecture for DSP Applications Low-Power Folded Tree Architecture for DSP applications Abstract— Wireless communication exhibits the highest energy consumption in wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes. Due to their limited energy supply from batteries, the low power design have become inevitable part of today’s wireless devices. Power has become a burning issue in VLSI design. In modern integrated circuits, the power consumed by clocking gradually takes a dominant part. Reducing the power consumption not only enhance battery life but also avoid overheating problem. By employing a more appropriate Processing Element (PE), the power consumption is significantly reduced. In this paper the novel method for low power design is achieved by using Folded Tree Architecture (FTA) and high speed adder design for on-the-node data processing in wireless sensor networks using Parallel Prefix Operations (PPO) and data locality in hardware. Besides power reduction the objective of minimizing area and delay is also considered. Index Terms— Folded Tree Architecture (FTA), Parallel Prefix Operation (PPO), Processing Element (PE), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). INTRODUCTION Power optimization is always one of the most important design objectives in modern nanometer integrated circuit design. Especially for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), power optimization have become inevitable part in today VLSI design. Power optimization not only can enhance battery life but also reduce the overheating problem. Self-configuring wireless sensor networks can be invaluable in many civil and military applications for collecting, processing, and disseminating wide ranges of complex environmental data. Because of this, they have attracted considerable research attention in last years. Sensor nodes are battery driven and hence operate on an extremely frugal energy budget. Further, they must have a lifetime on the order of months to years. Since battery replacement is not an option for networks with thousands of physically embedded nodes. In some cases, these networks may be required to operate solely on energy scavenged from the environment through seismic, photovoltaic or thermal conversion. This transforms energy consumption into the most important factor that determines sensor node lifetime. The another important application in wireless sensor networks is event tracking, which has widespread use in applications such as security surveillance and wildlife habitat monitoring. Tracking involves a significant amount of collaboration between individual sensors to perform complex signal processing algorithms such as kalman filtering, Bayesian data fusion and coherent beamforming. This applications will require more energy for their processing. In general Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can operate in four distinct mode of operation: Transmit, Receive, Idle and Sleep. An important observation in the case of most radios is that operating in Idle mode results in significantly high power consumption, almost equal to the power consumed in the Receive mode. The data-driven nature of WSN applications requires a specific low power data processing approach. By employing more appropriate Processing Element (PE), the power consumption in all the four mode of operation will be reduced significantly. In present VLSI technology, reducing power consumption is an important issue. Especially for WSN, due to their limited battery lifetime the low power VLSI design is become inevitable for wireless commmunication. The goal of this paper is to design an low-energy Folded Tree and Multi-Bit Flip-Flop Merging technique for WSN nodes. II. RELATED WORKS In paper [2], the author proposed low-energy data processing architecture for WSN nodes using folded tree method. This paper identifies that many WSN applications employ algorithms which can be solved by using parallel prefix-sums. Therefore, an alternative architecture is proposed to calculated them energy-efficiently. It consists of several parallel Processing Elements (PEs) structured as a folded tree. The folded tree method with parallel prefix operations reduces the number of processing element and memory bottleneck. Due to clock distribution for more flip-flops, it consumes more clock power and also parallel prefix operations has high delay. In paper [3], a novel method is proposed for low clock power consumption in WSN nodes. A previously derived clock energy model is briefly reviewed while a comprehensive framework for the estimation of system wide (chip level) and clock sub-system power as function of technology scaling is presented. This framework is used to study and quantify the impact that various intensifying concerns associated with scaling will have on clock energy and their relative impact on the overall system energy. This technology scaling method reduces power clock power consumption (both static and dynamic), but due to large number of processing element- area, inverter chain, Power-Delay Product is increased. III. PROPOSED SCHEME Folded Tree Architecture with Parallel Prefix Operation is used to reduce the total number of Processing Elements (PEs) in the VLSI design. By reducing the number of processing elements, the total area is reduced. Area is proportional to power, so power consumption is also reduced. During processing and transmission of signals, the WSN nodes will consume more power. Especially for clock distribution nearly 70% power will be consumed. In order to optimize the power during clock distribution, multi-bit flip-flop merging technique is used. A. Folded Tree Architecture A straightforward binary tree implementation of Blelloch’s approach costs a significant amount of area as n inputs require p = n − 1 PEs. To reduce area and power, pipelining can be traded for throughput. With a classic binary tree, as soon as a layer of PEs finishes processing, the results are passed on and new calculations can already recommence independently [8]. Fig 1. Binary tree equivalent to folded tree The idea presented here is to fold the tree back onto itself to maximally reuse the PEs. In doing so, p becomes proportional to n/2 and the area is cut in half. Area is proportional to power, so power is also cut in half. Note that also the interconnect is reduced. This folded tree topology is depicted in Fig. 1, which is functionally equivalent to the binary tree on the left. By using the Folded Tree architecture power consumption, area and wirelength is reduced considerably. Folded Tree Architecture (FTA) for on-the-node data processing in wireless sensor networks, using parallel preà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ x operations and data locality in hardware reduces both area and power consumption. TABLE I LEAKAGE POWER AND DYNAMIC ENERGY FOR ONE PE UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS FTA is designed to reuse the PE nodes to reduces half of the total area. It limiting the data set by preprocessing with parallel preà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ x operations. The combination of data à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow and control à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow elements to introduce a local distributed memory, which removes the memory bottleneck while retaining sufà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ cient à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡exibility. Several processing element consumes more power, so by using FTA the PE can be reused and power is reduced. Fig 2. Folding Architecture In folding architecture, we can reuse the PEs with the help of counter and FSM. Iteration count in the counter contains the total number of times the specified PE going to be reused. The FSM enables and reset the iteration count based on the instructions. B. Parallel prefix adder. Adders are also very important component in digital systems because of their extensive use in other basic digital operations such as subtraction, multiplication and division. Hence, improving performance of the digital adder would greatly advance the execution of binary operations inside a circuit compromised of such blocks. The performance of a digital circuit block is gauged by analyzing its power dissipation, layout area and its operating speed. The main idea behind parallel prefix addition is an attempt to generate all incoming carries in parallel and avoid waiting until the correct carry propagates from the stage of the adder where it has been generated.Parallel prefix adders are constructed out of fundamental carry operators denoted by  ¢ as follows (G, P)  ¢ (G, P) = (G+G ·P, P ·P) where P and P indicate the propagations, G and G indicate the generations. The fundamental carry operator is represented as Figure Fig 3. Carry operator   Ã‚   A parallel prefix adder can be represented as a parallel prefix graph consisting of carry operator nodes. The parallel prefix Ladner Fischer adder structure has minimum logic depth, but has large fan-out requirement up to n/2. Ladner Fischer adder has less number of delay compared to other parallel prefix adders. Power Delay Product should be less inorder to achieve high throughput and speed. Fig 4. Ladner Fischer Parallel Prefix Adder The Ladner Fischer adder construct a circuit that computes the prefix sums in the circuit, each node performs an addition of two numbers. With their construction, one can choose a tradeoff between the circuit depth and the number of nodes. V CONCLUSION This paper presented the Folded Tree Architecture and Multi-Bit Flip-Flop Merging technique for WSN applications. The design describes many data processing algorithms for WSN applications along with parallel prefix operations and clock distribution networks. Power is saved using flip flop merging technique by providing single clock signal to mergeable flip flops with the help of combinational lookup table. Thus this technique can be effectively used for clock distribution in integrated circuits requiring low power consumption in clock distribution network and low skew clocks. Area is reduced using folded tree architecture by reusing processing element. Ladner Fischer parallel prefix adder reduces the delay constraints and achieve high throughput. The proposed architecture significantly reduces both power and area in WSN nodes, can save up to half of the power in total sensor node. REFERENCES V. Raghunathan, C. Schurgers, S. Park, and M. B. Srivastava, â€Å"Energy-aware wireless microsensor networks,† IEEE Signal Process.Mag., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 40–50, Mar. 2002. C. Walravens and W. Dehaene, â€Å"Design of a low-energy data processing architecture for wsn nodes,† in Proc. Design, Automat. Test Eur. Conf. Exhibit., Mar. 2012, pp. 570–573. D. Duarte, V. Narayanan, and M. J. Irwin, â€Å"Impact of technology scaling in the clock power,† in Proc. IEEE VLSI Comput. Soc. Annu. Symp.,Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 2002, pp. 52–57. H. Kawagachi and T. Sakurai, â€Å"A reduced clock-swing flip-flop (RCSFF)for 63% clock power reduction,† in VLSI Circuits Dig. Tech. Papers Symp., Jun. 1997, pp. 97–98. Y. Cheon, P.-H. Ho, A. B. Kahng, S. Reda, and Q. Wang, â€Å"Power- aware placement,† in Proc. Design Autom. Conf., Jun. 2005, pp. 795–800. Y.-T. Chang, C.-C. Hsu, P.-H. Lin, Y.-W. Tsai, and S.-F. Chen, â€Å"Post-placement power optimization with multi-bit flip-flops,† in Proc.IEEE/ACM Comput.-Aided Design Int. Conf., San Jose, CA, Nov. 2010,pp. 218–223. P. Sanders and J. Traff, â€Å"Parallel prefix (scan) algorithms for MPI,† in proc, Recent ADV. 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Welsh, and D.Brooks,†Tinybench: The case for a standardized benchmark suite for TinyOS based wireless sensor network devices,† in Proc. IEEE 29th Local comout. Netw, conf., Nov.2004, pp. 585-586. O. Girard. (2010). â€Å"OpenMSP430 processor core, available at,† [online]. Available:, openmsp430. H. Stone, â€Å"Parallel processing with the perfect shuffle,† IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 100, no.2, pp. 153-161, Feb. 1971. M. Hempstead, J. M. Lyons, D. Brooks, and G-Y. Wei,† Survey of hardware systems for wireless sensor networks,† J. Low Power Electron., vol.4, no. 1, pp. 11-29, 2008. C.C. Yu. Design of low-power double edge-triggered flip-flop circuit. In IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, pp. 2054-2057, 2007. M. Donno, A. Ivaldi, L. Benini, and E. Macii. Clock tree power optimization based on RTL clock-gating. In Design Automation Conference, pp. 622-627, 2003.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Place of Stunted Ironwood Trees Essay -- Literary Analysis, Freder

Second Simple Quiz In the book, The Place of Stunted Ironwood Trees, by Dr. David P. Crandall, the Himba's world structure is manifested through detailed information of their ideals and their social world, where the reader can truly see their lives. These ideals and cultural background that the Himba have explain and define their families and marriages, structure of government and politics, religion and spiritual life, and their place in the social structure. Himba just like any societies have expectations and social norms that they are used to. The author uses individuals and their actions to describe the collective imaginary world that the Himba live and are accustomed to. The ideals and beliefs of the Himba, relating to their collective world, is based on their god Mukuru, their ancestors, and Omiti, which is the center and the basis of governing and maintaining the Himba society. The imaginary world of the collective Himba applies to the people of Himba and their individuals' perception, actions, and interpretations. They are however all different perceptions of their world and how they deviate from the social norm. The same ideas of different perception and deviance can be seen in the student of BYU away from the imaginary world of our society in the United States. The imaginary world of the collective Himba can be described and defined by their deity, Mukuru, and his interaction and guidance of the Himba people. They believe that Mukruru is the Supreme Being that guide them and assist them in their lives. "We live because Mukuru gives us life, and when we die we are not lost" (Crandall 24). The Himba believe that it is the will of Murkuru that they live and they will be saved when they are dead. "The Himba believed that ... ... away from the norm. Himba’s collective world revolves around Mukuru, the ancestors, and omiti. Most people in the Himba society try to follow the system in their society; some diverge and deviate away through different interpretations and perspectives. The Himba society, like other societies in our world has expectations and contributions that each individual makes in the society. Each individual in the society contributes through their own perspective of the world. Although, people have different opinions and deviance, they live and work together through the common belief of the Himba Society. The individuals in the Himba society that have personal views and opinions of the world reinforce individualism and the different traits that all human beings share. In any society in our world we see individualism and traits that distinguishes us as individuals.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Budgeting as a Tool for Planning and Control Essay

A budget is one of your best tools for reaching your goals – whatever your age or stage in life. It’s a plan of what money you expect to receive and how you expect to spend it. * Who should have a budget? * How to make a budget * Use the money planner * Things you need * Getting help * Tracking your spending * Making the most of your income Who should have a budget? Tip: A tight budget is harder to stick to. Be realistic. Everyone can benefit from a budget. It’s not just for people who are having trouble making ends meet. If you’re spending less than you earn, use your budget to work out how much you can put aside each pay to improve your financial position. We call this ‘paying yourself first’. If you’re spending more than you earn, use your budget to see where your money is going. Then see if there are any ways you can cut your spending or increase your income. Rick and Heather Mawby The Mawby family makes sure their money goes a long way. Read more Back to top How to make a budget Add up how much money is coming into your household (your income), and how much is going out (your spending), then work out the difference. The result is either money left over (a surplus) or not enough money to cover your spending (a deficit). Aim for a surplus so you have some money to save for your goals or pay off debt faster. Back to top Use the money planner Making a budget is easy with our money planner. Once you’ve set your budget you can save it in My Sorted to review later. You can save more than one budget and even share it with friends and family. The NZ Federation of Family Budgeting Services also has a free budget worksheet you can download. Back to top Things you need Your budget needs to be accurate or it won’t work. Give yourself time to get all the information you’ll need, including: * A record of your day-to-day spending. Keep receipts from your shopping, and gather up bank statements and bills from the last three months. These will show regular expenses like rent, mortgage, hire purchase, credit cards, phone, power and insurance. * A list of annual costs. Think about things you pay for less regularly like vehicle licensing, medical expenses, gifts and holidays. * Your income details. A list of any money you get such as your pay, benefits or allowances, NZ Super or interest earned on savings. * Savings. Details of any regular savings you make. Back to top Getting help If you need help making a budget, or if you are having trouble making ends meet, contact a budget adviser. Back to top Tracking your spending Once you’ve set a budget you need to see how it’s working in reality. Keep a spending diary or use an online tool. Find out more about money tracking. Back to top Making the most of your income Budgeting isn’t just about watching your spending. How much you earn also affects whether you have money left over for saving or paying off debt. Why you need to grow your income If your income doesn’t grow you’ll effectively earn less each year just because of inflation. So when you’re planning your finances, don’t forget to include goals for growing your income. Know what you’re worth Do you know what someone in your position with your experience and skills should be earning? Does your employer? To find out what you’re worth, read the situations vacant in your local paper or check out the online job sites. You could even contact some recruitment agencies to find out what a similar job to yours is currently paying. You can also find broad salary information for different types of jobs on the Careers New Zealand website.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Norwegian Wood by The Beatles: Song Analysis

The song opens with a sweepingly catchy acoustic melody that seamlessly evokes sense of nostalgic longing. This feeling of sadness and reflection permeates throughout the piece. While the arrangement is actually quite complex, the music appears stripped down to the casual listener; the song is centered around a mall lick performed simultaneously on acoustic guitar and sitar, which Is Introduced at the beginning and decidedly does not evolve into anything beyond this. The simplistic structure brings to mind a sensation of loneliness, which is heightened by Lemon's yearning vocals.The soothing melody can be described as dreamlike, and the petition is used to almost hypnotic effect, succeeding in ministering the concentrated listener into a peaceful, contemplative daze. The short length of the song Is somewhat Jarring (It ends just after two minutes) because Just as the listener has been subdued by the Infectious melody, they are abandoned by It just as quickly. It feels as though there should be more; as if there is something missing. I would argue, however, that this is exactly the effect The Battles intended, as it adds to the ambiguous nature of the song. The production of the song, courtesy of GeorgeMartin, succeeds in bringing the contagious melody to the forefront of the experience, all the while allowing the rest of the Instruments sufficient clarity. Ambiguity Is also achieved through the song's lyrics, which describe a seemingly clandestine love affair between Lennox and an unnamed woman. The song opens with the line: â€Å"I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me†, suggesting that not only is the relationship mysterious to the listener, but also inconclusive to the man involved in it. The lyrics continue to outline a strained evening of the couple talking, ranking wine, and eventually going to bed in separate rooms.Much speculation has been made as to what the song Is actually about, especially the final lines; â€Å"And when I awoke, I was alone, this bird had flown / So 1 11th a fire, Isn't It good, Norwegian wood. † Some believe that the fire being lit is a joint of marijuana, or that the man burns the house down after the woman makes him sleep in the bath. In The Battles Anthology, Lennox says of the lyrics: ‘Norwegian Wood' was about an affair I was having. I was very careful and paranoid because I didn't want my wife, CCNY, to know that there really was something owing on outside the household.I'd always had some kind of affairs going, so I was trying to De sophisticated In writing auto an tall, out In sun a smokescreen way that you couldn't tell. (196) Like many of The Battles' innovations in sound, the incorporation of the sitar came from spontaneous experimentation. In The Battles Anthology, George Harrison recalls: I went and bought a sitar from a little shop at the top of Oxford Street called Antiaircraft – it stocked little carvings, and incense. It was a real crummy-quality one, a ctually, but I bought it and mucked around with it a bit.Anyway;ay, we were at the mint where we'd recorded the ‘Norwegian Wood' backing track (twelve-string and six- string acoustic, bass and drums) and it needed something. We would usually start looking through the cupboard to see if we could come up with something, a new sound, and I picked the sitar up – it was Just lying around; I hadn't really figured out what to do with it. It was quite spontaneous: I found the notes that played the lick. It fitted and it worked. (196) â€Å"Norwegian Wood† is the second track on Rubber Soul, following the upbeat â€Å"Drive My Car† and is followed by the also light-hearted muff Won't See Me†.

My Hero Is My Father Essay

Everyone has someone who has made an impact on his/her life. It can changed the view of this world. Sometimes people can get a hope from the person or the organization to change their life path. Since I have learned the differences between cons and pros, I found my self oriented to my father behavior. A father in love with his daughter. I love him even he is not alive any more. Although he passed away years ago, his advices and recommendations are still in my memory. He studied in a collage of oil and gas, and worked for the company in Iran named National Iranian Oil company. My brothers and I were proud of our parent. He was a strong family man who was devoted to providing the best he could for his family. I believe we were luckiest kids alive to have had two such loving parents. I firmly believe that my parents had impacts on shaping my future life. Especially my father effects on me most of the time when he were alive. body: Education My father always surrounded by books and newspapers that gave me a sense of reading. I grew up in this environment. When I was five years old, my father gave me a book as a gift on my birthday which have had big impact on me since I remember. One of the book that I love it is â€Å"The little prince† by Antoine de saint Exupery . My dad gave this to me when I left high school and whenever I see the cover I recall him. Reading a lot of different book helps improve my writing and my communication skills. I gain a lot of knowledge about the world around me by reading books. Behavior The lessons that my father taught me are very valuable for me. He always taught me to speak the truth, because it is the first step that will take me to success. He told me to be honest with everyone and every thing. This is the path of success in the future. Another value that he told me is to respect the elders and to love those who are younger. By respecting the elders, I will get prayers from them and by giving love to those who are younger, I will feel an internal peace. Personality My dad taught me help myself first try before I as for help. I am patient and determined, since I have tried hard to reach my goal and never complain. I have learned all these values from my father who devote his life to help me build up my personality. Being independent makes it easier to make decisions for me. I don’t rely on others Conclusion To me he is the greatest hero. Undoubtedly, parents play an important role in child’s development.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Online Course Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Online Course Development - Research Paper Example ive and apply other corresponding tools and processes in curriculum development when developing projects consistent with their professional aspirations and expectations. 1. There are different types of theorizing as presented by different authors and scholars. Define the term â€Å"Theorizing† as discussed by different scholars. What are the implications for the different definitions for practice? 2. Read chapter 4 of Marsh and Willis and other online readings recommended for this course. Develop a virtual mental picture of the teachers; prescriptive theorizer (TED), Descriptive Theorizer (TAMMY) and Critical-Exploratory Theorizer (TODD). Remember to include in your mental picture of these teachers, their common beliefs, goals, beliefs, practices, and habits 2. Students must reflect the different priorities, backgrounds, experience and skill brought by different stakeholders during curriculum planning. Remember to develop detailed discussions on the role played by teachers, principals, parents and student during curriculum development 1. Write a critical response on the basic concepts that underlie curriculum research and some of the approaches schools are using to support the process of curriculum development. The reflection should thorough and present a clear thesis. 2. Discuss the problems faced during curriculum planning and implementations. Include approaches that can be used to solve the problems you stated and possible recommendation for future implementation process 1. In Chapter 6 of the course textbook, Marsh and Willis (2007) elaborate and present the different players during the curriculum process and the hats they wear. In the hats presented in the chapter, identify the hats that you may wear. Visit and open the course website and click on that hat. Read the role associated with that hat during the curriculum planning and implementation process. 2. You are a crucial member of the curriculum planning group. Two facilitators have agreed to work

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Targeting Voters in the Digital Age Research Paper

Targeting Voters in the Digital Age - Research Paper Example Both Obama campaigns of 2008 and 2012 are mirrored images of how voters are targeted in the digital age through social media. A popular opinion is that while the Obama campaign lead because of high interaction with the public and through extensive incorporation of social media and other creative applications, others candidates did not quite manage to adequately engage in dialogue with their voters. The candidates usually go all the way through to make use of the communications technology in the present age to get in the good books of the voters they target which is different from how they used to seek votes in the past age when communications technology and social media were not as powerful as they are now. This research paper basically attempts to scrutinize with the help of research literature how the voters are reached in the digital age, how this digital mania influences campaigns, why the Obama campaigns led over others when delivering their message, and how this whole process i s different from the way campaigns operated some decades before. Like other daily tasks of life are positively influenced by digital technology for example, the ease of depositing bills with our smartphones and listening to the candidates’ speeches online whenever feasible, the political process has also tasted the exciting taste of the digital technology. Both elections of 2008 and 2012 mad extensive use of social media and while â€Å"in 2008, there were about 1.5 million election-related tweets, in 2012 there were 31 million† (Jeffers). It is worth appreciating how through different riveting digital applications the political process is brought into the 21st century and made all the more exciting and comfortable at the same time. The electoral process is made modernized by the digital age and both digital technology companies and political candidates are set out to further modernize this process through employment of latest technologies available. There are many vot ing applications out there in the market presently which allow voters to find the required information about their voters and cast their donations directly to their favorite candidates with one single tap on the touchscreen. According to NYC Votes, voting is a very important ritual and it is their responsibility to bring all facets of the electoral process into the digital age by introducing new applications (Vanhemert). NYC Votes for this purpose has introduced two new applications, mobile web app which is a contribution tool and allows the voters to cast their donations to the candidates and lets the latter collect all donations on their smartphones and Voter Engagement tool which enables voters to find all they want to about the candidates, make donations, and much more. These kinds of things make the political process of elections seem very different to how the candidates reached voters in the past age when nothing was so modernized and all tasks of the electoral process were pa infully time-consuming. Research shows that one of the main reasons Obama presidential campaigns led over those run by Mitt Romney was that people behind the Obama campaigns took the power of digital applications like Facebook and Twitter really seriously and used them to their advantage in any way they could. Social media should not only be considered a change in technology as it is really a change in the public’s tendency to communicate (Jeffers). Research claims that social media was a sure